A brief description of how tokenomics function for HFLOKI.
General Tokenomics: there is a 12% fee that includes all swaps and transfers on the network.
2% automatically added to the liquidity pool for increased market stability.
4% is redistributed to holders via a method known as a friction-less yield. No need to claim, no need to request. It just appears in your wallet.
2% is captured into our developer wallet.
2% is sent to charity wallet
4% automatically is sold and bought back with our buy-back mechanism
2% is sent to the deployer wallet
Token Burn:
With the 4% reflection fee as stated above, the burn wallet is considered by the contract to be a token holder - the same as any user. This burn wallet receives a portion of the total token reflections automatically and therefore these tokens are considered to be removed from circulation forever. These factors create conditions for token scarcity to aid supply/demand economics and benefit all holders.
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